Indian Women Leaders In US

Minoti Mehta: The Miss Sunshine Amongst Entrepreneurs

Cover Story

Sure, matches are made in heaven, but weddings are celebrated here on earth. As one of the world’s most ethnically diverse lands, India boasts unique, culturally rich wedding ceremonies that are elegant, sophisticated, and beautifully intricate. Part of the complexity stems from the concept that when an Indian couple marries, entire families and communities are involved. Indian parents spend years wishing, hoping, and praying for their kids to get married. These celebrations represent love and commitment and epitomize the endurance of traditional family values. Today, the spiritual union of a young couple has become a great excuse to throw a blowout family reunion, with relatives travelling from every square foot of the Indian diaspora for the occasion. And if it's a traditional Indian wedding taking place in the US, that adds yet another element of excitement and `taam-jhaam'.Read More
