6 Dynamic Female Architects Influencing India's Architecture Tapestry

By: WE Staff

Indian women architects have surged to new heights claiming global awards for their creativity and excellence in designing exemplary infrastructures. From conservation architects building an un-built environment, they are multifaceted designers.

In the changing realm of the Indian economic landscape, women professionals are shining in every sector. Be it cinema, healthcare, tech startups, education, politics, women are breaking the glass ceiling in every sector possible, even those industries which were traditionally considered male-dominated.

India's architecture landscape is brimming with diversity and innovation, with women architects transforming the built environment. Women architects are building spaces that reflect Indian culture, embrace global trends, and prioritize sustainability.

According to the Indian Institutes of Architects (IIA), women presently make up nearly 30 percent of practicing architects in India, a significant increase from two decades ago. This trend reflects the changing dynamics of the architectural profession, with more women actively participating and leading projects across diverse sectors. Women are driving ambitious projects and reshaping urban environments through sustainable design spaces that inspire, innovate, and elevate the human experience, leaving a lasting legacy.

Looking forward to the dynamic tapestry of women's architectural landscape, Women Entrepreneurs Review has listed the top 6 Women Architects in India.