Women's Day: Women Leaders Outline Path to Inclusive Business World

By: WE Staff

Girija Kolagada, VP, Engineering, Progress

Why is Inclusion Important for businesses?

Inclusion in the workplace creates a sense of belonging among co-workers that can translate to greater productivity, more innovation, and better decision-making in any organization. Woking in the Indian business landscape, I see inclusion as the key to collective growth. Despite efforts, women remain underrepresented, especially in tech. Inclusion unlocks diverse perspectives, fuels innovation, and fosters a more engaged workforce, benefiting both companies and society. To dismantle barriers like unequal education and cultural biases, we need early intervention, targeted skill development, and flexible work arrangements. Only then can we create a thriving business world where everyone contributes and thrives.

What steps can be taken to inspire inclusion in the Indian technology landscape?

Achieving true gender equality in the Indian tech industry hinges on fostering inclusion, a responsibility shared by both individuals and companies. Individuals can champion diverse perspectives and challenge biases, fostering a culture of respect and inclusion. Tech companies have a significant role to play in achieving gender equality within the industry. This requires moving beyond simply including women to actively celebrating their contributions. Fostering diverse teams, where everyone feels valued and respected, is crucial, as it unlocks the full potential of the workforce and drives innovation. Companies must ensure equal opportunities, fair compensation, and a supportive work environment that empowers women to excel. Additionally, offering flexible work arrangements, mentorship programs, and support systems for women returning from personal breaks are key elements in fostering inclusion and unlocking the collective success of the industry.

On the collective front, government policies promoting women-led startups, business bodies offering networking and support platforms, companies actively seeking diverse talent, and leaders fostering inclusive work cultures are all crucial steps toward inclusivity.

 What’s your message for womenfolk across India, on International Women’s Day?

 On this International Women's Day, I urge my fellow women across India to know your strength and come out of your shell. Right now, we are in the 21st century and it's high time we should embrace our unique power and break barriers. Together, we can change the business landscape and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Pursue what brings you joy, and don't allow anyone to dim your shine. Happy International Women’s Day!