Mom Blogger Turned Entrepreneur Highlights Fundaments of Brand Building

By: WE Staff

Deepali Bansal currently serves as the CEO and Founder of Suroskie. A fashion, beauty, makeup, and style, enthusiast, Deepali takes us through her journey from being a mom-blogger to building a beauty and makeup brand.

The beauty industry in India has taken off tremendously with the expansion of the internet economy. Touted to be the fourth largest market globally, the Indian beauty and personal care segment is expected to increase by 40 percent by 2026.

The market has seen the creation of various independent beauty and personal care brands that have successfully challenged the existing monopoly of multinational beauty giants. However, the market has become cluttered with an abundance of new-age brands vying for the customer attention. In such a scenario, quality and brand building become the cornerstones of establishing a successful beauty venture.

Hear it from the horse’s mouth as we speak to a young entrepreneur Deepali Bansal who founded beauty brand Suroskie in 2020. Drawing from her own quest with skin challenges and unavailability of homegrown high-quality products, Deepali laid the foundation of the brand.

Deepali was earlier a mom blogger, who enjoyed creating lifestyle content through experimenting with trends and styles. She created content and engaged with people through which she communicated to a community of fashion and makeup enthusiasts. This was her entry into the world of beauty.

Soon, she felt like she wanted something more! As the beauty and makeup industry was booming and coming out to be a powerful way of how people expressed themselves, she decided to become a beauty entrepreneur. As the brand gained momentum, Puneet Bansal, a seasoned marketing expert and brother-in-law to Deepali, joined forces to strengthen the brand’s journey.

In a conversation with Deepali, we delve into her journey as an entrepreneur in the Indian beauty space. She also sheds light on the importance of brand building in today’s highly competitive market landscape.

What propelled you to pursue entrepreneurship in the Beauty Industry?

My skin had some issues for which I tried all skin care products, but none suited me and in fact, some even caused a few allergies. Then I got products from international brands that weren’t available in India at that time, and I could see visible changes in my skin, but these products were really expensive and tough to source, so that was the eureka moment. Then, with the support of my husband, Mr. Rahul Bansal, I started the search to find the best manufacturers in India and get products made that match the international standards, are suitable for Indian skin types, and are at the same time affordable.

How did your journey pan out from being a blogger to becoming an entrepreneur? What inspired this transition?

I was a mom blogger and had started my entrepreneurial journey with cosmoshop_ds .(insta page with offerings specifically for content creators and make up artists).  My own journey towards healthier skin inspired me to develop products that really work and are accessible to everyone.

Building a successful brand in India requires a deep understanding of the market dynamics. Can you tell us some of the key strategies you employed to make Suroskie stand as a prominent player in the Indian beauty industry?

Suroskie's success in the Indian beauty business is a result of a careful fusion of market analysis and cultural sensitivity. We focused on using natural ingredients and our products to fit a range of skin tones and preferences. Our brand's awareness was increased through digital platform utilisation and strategic collaborations with influencers. Loyalty was promoted through competitive pricing.

In your opinion, how must beauty brands create a unique identity for themselves in today’s cluttered market? How can founders ensure that their brand resonates authentically with Indian consumers?

In order to differentiate themselves in the crowded beauty industry, brands should focus on genuine stories, and cultural significance. To ensure real relationships, founders need to comprehend and be in line with the different tastes, values, and customs of Indian consumers. Using influencers, social media, and local partnerships can increase brand awareness.

As you embark ahead on your journey as an entrepreneur, what are some of the key challenges you foresee, particularly in the context of navigating the competitive landscape of the Indian beauty market? How do you intend to tackle these hurdles?

The Indian beauty industry is filled with difficulties, including complicated regulations, a wide range of consumer tastes, and intense rivalry. Suroskie - started with importing color cosmetics from China, which required lots of legal work, which was a hassle. Then, when starting the skincare journey, finding the right manufacturer to trust with products was the most difficult task. We met more than 500 manufacturers all over India before launching our range.  Maintaining adherence to legal requirements and making adjustments to changing trends will also be essential for long-term success in this dynamic environment.

Having come a long way, what advice would you like to give to budding entrepreneurs who wants to venture into this the Indian beauty & personal-care space?

Focus on authenticity and customer satisfaction. Building a brand is not just about products; it’s about creating a genuine connection with your customers. Listen to their needs, deliver quality, and be transparent. Building trust is the foundation for long-term success in the beauty industry.