Special Edition - 2022
Gender diversity fairly is all about gender inclusiveness today, be it at work, in society, education, or leadership. Since yore, how women have been underrepresented is news to none, deprived of the right to choose, right to education, right to be employed was the harsh truth across geographies of the world. However, what has changed today and is in process yet, is how women are changing the panorama of the world, evolving and positioning themselves across every vista of business and industry world.
Today, the employment landscape has pragmatically adopted gender inclusiveness in its work culture, and is appreciating the contribution of many great women leaders in aggrandizing their organizational growth & development and bringing business sustainability. Be it IT,Consulting, Healthcare, Energy, Manufacturing, Education, FMCG, Fashion, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Services sector, or more, the prowess of women skills in business and management is demonstrating. Today women are not only placed as mere employees amidst corporates, services or other industries, but they are well positioned at designations like CEOs, COOs, CHROs, CFOs, CPOs, CIOs, and more in renowned organizations leading change and technology management with their dexterity in the respective industries. In fact, research shows that there's more gender diversity within technology teams and leadership. Studies state, women represented a growing demography of 34 percent workforce in the Indian IT sector in 2021. Also, if it's the energy industry, women hold8 22 percent of jobs in energy production & distribution sector, according to the International Energy Agency, however, they make up 48 percent of the global workforce. Well, it is the healthcare industry where the highest representation of women at the top are utilities is 16 percent out of the total female leadership that is 21 percent. Notably, women are seeing greater gains in certain roles today, and the biggest progress is being made at the very top, and they are also venturing largely as entrepreneurs in the business world. Though the difference is still great between males and females even today, but this gradual growth is applauding.
8Our endeavour at Women Entrepreneur Magazine has always been to highlight remarkable women leaders across geographies and industries. In keeping with our motto, the current issue of the Women Entrepreneur Magazine features a list of `Special Edition - 2022'. Compiled by a panel of industry veterans, CEOs, CXOs and the Women Entrepreneur Magazine editorial team, the list features prolific women who have not only crafted illustrious and innovative businesses, but have proven their mettle as leaders across the diverse businesses playing a key role in contributing towards strengthening the workforce.
Kain Sim, Co-Founder & Chairman
It is expected that the Singaporean real estate market would grow at a CAGR
Niharika Raut, Founder
Some people don’t care about social stigmas and never settle for fate
Sharliza Rahman, Chief Brand And Digital Officer
Cambodia's insurance industry is one of the premium sectors experiencing upward growth. This upward growth of the insurance industry can be attributed to growing incomes and increasing awareness in the industry.
Dr. Vasumathy Vedantham, MD
women leaders who work with extra empathy and care. However, despite the increasing contribution of women healthcare
Shally Bhasin, Co-Founder
There once was a time when Indian consumers would go gaga over international brand being available at our door or in local malls
Gul Acuner, CFO
Although gender should not be a factor that determines leadership, our so-called traditional mindsets have been at the forefront in curtailing the freedom for women who aspire to achieve.
Tripti Nanda, Chief Of Nursing Officer & Quality Manager
Women entrepreneurs are rapidly gaining prominence in India as they have been marking their identity
Hui Keam Khoo, Chief Operating Officer
"Leaders are not born or made, they are self-made", Stephen Covey.Women Entrepreneur's editorial team rendezvous with one such self-made business leader Hui Keam Khoo, Chief Operating Officer, Crystal Crown Hotels & Resort, who not only
Jasveen Walia, Director
Every individual is unique and so is everyone’s thought process
Saloni Anand, CO-Founder
The art of entrepreneurship is drawn along the lines of efforts, dedication, and innovation along with the ability to stand through the thick and thin that the brainchild may go through