
Ananya Pathak: On The Mission Of Bringing Everlasting Changes In Behaviour, Mindset, And Approaches
Ananya Pathak
Founder, Training ladder
In this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) business world, learning is the key to survival. However, as we grow up the ladder and take more responsibilities, one needs to develop their behavioural and leadership skills to become a leader. Often individuals are unaware of their learning needs as they are juggling tight schedules. They do not have the big picture of how improving skills can reduce conflicts and improve productivity & customer satisfaction. With a mix of training and coaching, L&D can help individuals and organizations develop these much-required skills. Realizing the increasing need for learning and development, Ananya Pathak founded the Training ladder in 2016. She ideated the company to help professionals realize their true potential, create inspiring leaders, and be a part of their success story. “I truly feel happy when I am training and coaching and observing those transformations, knowing that you have been able to impact someone,” says Ananya Pathak, Founder.
Ananya comes with over 14+ years of experience in Training and Development. She pursued MBA-HR from Symbiosis. This apart, she holds certifications in Leading Organizations and Changes from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Sloan School of Management, Psychometric Testing and DISC profiling, Emotional Intelligence, NLP, and Business Communication. Ananya is a Certified Brain-based Coach from NLI.
“My passion towards people development motivated me to start Training Ladder. I always had an entrepreneurial mindset. In my previous stint, I was instrumental in setting up an entire L&D department. I have led large teams and have worked in deadline-driven environments- all of which helped me understand requirements and challenges of leaders and sowed the seeds of Training Ladder.” Ananya informs.
She further adds, “Before Training Ladder, I had dabbled in a few ventures as well. I also had the privilege of working in and traveling to different countries. The experiences gained by interacting with people of different cultures helped me realize the capabilities of human minds. I believe that leadership or other business skills can be nurtured and need not be something natural and that sustainable transformations start by changing the mindset.”
Life-Changing Offerings
Training ladder specializes in leadership development through training and Brain-based coaching, Business Communication, Emotional intelligence, and Psychometric assessments. Beyond Learning and Development, each of its solutions is mere Performance Solutions. Alignment of operational strategies to performance outcomes through capability development is its expertise. To get better results, the company focuses on changing mindsets in leaders. It introduces them to powerful concepts, coaches them through individual challenges and dilemmas, and transforms them into the best version of themselves. This approach helps the individual to perform better and ensures that the organization benefits from this.
Training Ladder delivers topic-based programs and context-based programs and is obsessed with measuring performance gaps, conducting learning need analysis, and offering solutions. Speaking about the benefits they cater to clients, Ananya says, “We are intensely focused on bringing tangible results to our clients to justify the ROI. The benefits could be productivity, customer satisfaction, better teamwork, reduction in conflicts, and more. We have recently been working on a unique program for Women Leaders. The idea is to prepare women for leadership roles. We believe diversity is sustainable not only if more women are offered leadership roles but are also ready to take up those challenges.”
“Training ladder was born out of the passion to offer programs that are practical, supportive, and creates lasting changes to organizations and individuals”
Working Together Towards The Path Of Glory
Team Training Ladder continuously challenges themselves to churn out offerings that support clients towards organizational development. The dextrous troop is passionate about creating positive transformations through practical, sustainable, and robust solutions. “Training Ladder is a success story that they continue to build together- A team that constantly works towards delivering transformational programs, clients who believe in us, and individuals who challenge and motivate us to give our best. Living up to the trust that an individual or an organization place in us is a journey that we undertake every day. We move forward with passion and commitment to contribute to the growth of individuals and organizations. To cite an example, Covid 19 disputed our business as we used to render solutions at the client’s location or venue. But the teams’ agile mindset ensured that we quickly and efficiently switch to online training. Our clients and participants supported us, and we survived. That’s what continuously helps Training Ladder propel further in its growth journey,” she emphasizes.
The company partners with an organization and do not just focus on delivering a program on leadership. The brand supports clients in creating conditions that motivate the participants to implement their learnings. It works in a collaborative culture where participants, bosses, peers, and the entire environment aspires to learn. It also strongly believes that developing team members will lead to continuous improvement and operational effectiveness.
“India has a huge potential to be a world leader. However, there is an urgent need to elevate our skills to improve our per capita and GDP. It requires enhancing people’s skills in various ways to enable them. Training Ladder is continuously striving to bridge the skill gap in the industry through its offerings. Achieving this involves enabling and empowering individuals through our various training and coaching modules to help them perform their roles efficiently,” Ananya mentions.
A-League Of Its Own
Since its inception in February 2016, the Training Ladder has had a steady growth in revenue and client acquisition.
“With digitization, we could cater to a geographically scattered audience. We have been focusing on building programs that follow a blended model of online and offline. Another area we envision for us is Empowering Women Leaders to take up leadership roles in the workplace. We are shortly coming with a unique platform for first-time women leaders to hone and develop their skills. We are working towards the vertical integration of our services by adding Balanced Scorecard implementation and marketing research-based Customer Experience Management consulting. The add-on will be highly beneficial for our clients and mitigate several challenges for them. We are confident that these additions will make our present activities more significant, ROI oriented, and add to the growth trajectory,” Ananya concludes with disruptive endeavors.
Client Speaks:
Ananya has become an indispensable learning partner for us. She has the ability to read the audience and the grasp the context of the organisation very quickly. She brings us great value, we continue to depend on her to help us scale the competencies across our teams.
Differential Advantages
• Apart from L&D, expertise lies in Emotional intelligence, Psychometric assessments, and Neuroscience as well.
• Customization of solutions. Offerings are on assessments and multiple rounds of discussions with stakeholders.
• He leadership programs are a unique blend of Training, Coaching, and Lab Sessions. This blend of 3 leads to quicker assimilation of concepts, leveraging the learnings, resolving challenges, and enhancing skills creating a win-win for the participants and the organization.
• Delivers psychological Safety and creates a learning environment that is reward-based and not driven by threat.
• Programs are not just transformational but lively and energetic with a liberal dose of hum or as well.
• The core team with diverse backgrounds and corporate experience helps the company stay ahead of the curve.
• Consistent Engagement continues way beyond the program with the clients. Stays in continuous touch to ensure achieving desired results.
• The company thrives on feedback from the clients and the participants.
• Creating innovative, solution-oriented offerings based on the industry needs.
Illustrating the Positive Impact of Training Ladder’s services
“Recently, we have been conducting Projects with IT/ITES to develop their first layer of leaders. During one such program, the participants presented their realtime challenges and situations in the lab sessions. Based on these issues, we pulled out solutions from the concepts and models we had delivered to them during VILT sessions (Virtual Instructor Lead Training). We further supplemented by individual coaching sessions. The blended approach helped participants to correlate the concepts to real situations. Ultimately, the process encouraged them to implement these concepts. We celebrated them as they developed into empowered, strong, and inspiring first-time leaders” – Ananya Pathak, Founder at Training Ladder.